Lifting Leaves
Erin Schulz
As a Yakima sprout, Erin Schulz studied realist painting at an early age. Ironically, she was first exposed to atelier-style instruction while teaching in China after college. Her experience at the Sichuan Academy of Fine Art in portraiture inspired her to continue studies at Gage Academy (Seattle), Grand Central Academy (NY) and Florence Academy of Art (Italy).
While rooted in the classics with a limited, earth-toned palette, she continues to explore the splendors of contemporary realism in terms of subject matter and technique. She has recently been enamored with our harmonious collaboration with nature, specifically the synchronized movement of people and animals.
Her figurative work has gained national momentum with features in Southwest Art Magazine, American Art Collector and as International Art Renewal Center finalist.
Lifting Leaves by Erin Shulz is a part of the Private Collection of Kevin and Mary Daniels.